George W. A. Constable
Office G/N/161
Department of Mathematics
University of York
United Kingdom

2024 - Cell size and selection for stress-induced binary cell fusion, bioRxiv, X. Liu, J.W. Pitchford, G.W.A. Constable
2024 - Parthenogenesis, sexual conflict and selection on fertilization rates, bioRxiv, X. Liu, J.W. Pitchford, G.W.A. Constable
2024 - Maternal transmission as a microbial symbiont sieve, and the absence of lactation in male mammals, Nature Communications, B. Fagan, G.W.A. Constable, R. Law
2023 - Feasibility and stability in large Lotka Volterra systems with interaction structure, Phys. Rev. E., X. Liu, G.W.A. Constable, J.W. Pitchford
2021 - An Invitation to Stochastic Mathematical Biology Notices of The AMS, G.W.A. Constable, Y. Krumbeck, T. Rogers
2021 - Parthenogenesis and the Evolution of Anisogamy, Cells, G.W.A. Constable, H. Kokko
2021 - Fluctuation spectra of large random dynamical systems reveal hidden structure in ecological networks, Nature Communications, Y. Krumbeck, Q. Yang, G.W.A. Constable, T. Rogers
2021 - Genetic diversity in facultatively sexual populations and its implications for the origins of self-incompatibility in algae and fungi, bioRxiv, A.S.A. Smith, S. Penington, I. Letter, D.B. Wilson, G.W.A Constable
2021 - Switching environments, synchronous sex, and the evolution of mating types, Theor. Popul. Biol. E. Berríos-Caro, T. Galla, G.W.A. Constable
2020 - More prevalent, less deadly? Bayesian inference of the COVID19 Infection Fatality Ratio from mortality data, medRxiv, G.W. Delius, B.J. Powell, M.A. Bees, G.W.A. Constable, N.J. MacKay, J.W. Pitchford
2020 - Fitness differences suppress the number of mating types in evolving isogamous species, Royal Society Open Science, Y. Krumbeck, G.W.A. Constable, T. Rogers
2019 - Invasion and extinction dynamics of mating types
under facultative sexual reproduction, Genetics, P. Czuppon*, G.W.A. Constable* -
2018 - The rate of facultative sex governs the number of expected mating types in isogamous species, Nat. Ecol. Evol. G.W.A. Constable, H. Kokko
2018 - Exploiting fast-variables to understand population dynamics and evolution, J. Stat. Phys. G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane
2017 - Drift-Induced Selection Between Male And Female Heterogamety ‡, Genetics, C. Veller*, P. Muralidhar*, G.W.A. Constable*, M.A. Nowak
2017 - Farming and public goods production in Caenorhabditis elegans populations, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., S. Thutupalli*, S. Uppaluri*, G.W.A. Constable, S.A. Levin, H.A. Stone, C.E. Tarnita, C.P. Brangwynne
2017 - A mapping of the stochastic Lotka-Volterra model to models of population genetics and game theory †, Phys. Rev. E 96, 022416, G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane
2016 - Demographic noise can reverse the direction of deterministic selection, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., G.W.A. Constable, T. Rogers, A.J. McKane, C. E. Tarnita
2015 - Fast Variables in Stochastic Population Dynamics, Springer Theses Series, Springer, Heidelberg, G.W.A. Constable
2015 - Stationary solutions for metapopulation Moran models with mutation and selection, Phys. Rev. E 91 032711, G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane
2015 - Models of genetic drift, as limiting forms of the Lotka-Volterra competion model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 038101, G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane
2014 - Population genetics on islands connected by an arbitrary network: an analytic approach, J. Theor. Biol. 358 149-165, G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane
2014 - Fast-mode elimination in stochastic meta- population models, Phys. Rev. E 89 032141, G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane
2013 - Stochastic Dynamics on Slow Manifolds, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 295002, G.W.A. Constable, A.J. McKane, T. Rogers
2012 - TIM, a ray-tracing program for METATOY research and its dissemination, Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, D. Lambert, A.C. Hamilton, G. Constable, H. Snehanshu, S. Talati ,J.Coural
* Equal contribution
† Editor's Recommendation
Present Senior Lecturer, Mathematical Biology
Department of Mathematics
University of York
Mathematical Biology and Chemistry
2017 - 2019 Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
Centre for Mathematical Biology
2016 - 2017 Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
2014 - 2016 Postdoctoral Researcher
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Princeton University
2017 - 2020 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship
2011 - 2014 PhD Complex Systems and Statistical Physics
University of Manchester
Advisor Alan J. McKane
2006 - 2011 MSci Physics with Astrophysics
University of Glasgow
First Class Honors
Honours and Awards
2016 - Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, The Leverhulme Trust
2015 - Springer Theses Prize, Springer
2011 - EPS Faculty Scholarship, University of Manchester
2011 - Archibald McAulay memorial prize, University of Glasgow
2010 - Mackay-Smith prize, University of Glasgow
2010 - Thomson experimental prize, University of Glasgow
Conference Presentations
2022 - Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution (Talk/Minisymposium)
2019 - Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution (Talk)
2019 - Probability Meets Biology (Talk)
2018 - Stochastic Models of Evolving Populations (Talk)
2018 - Evolution 2018: II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Poster)
2018 - European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (Talk)
2018 - Sex uncovered: the evolutionary biology of reproductive systems (Poster)
2018 - Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology, and Evolution (Talk)
2017 - South-West Epidemiology, Ecology and Evolution (Talk)
2017 - Evolving Networks and Collective Behaviour Analysis, Algorithms and Applications Workshop at TSIMF (Talk)
2016 - European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (Talk)
2013 - Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology (Poster)
Invited Talks
2023 - Gutenberg Workshop on the Evolution of Unisexual Reproduction
2023 - Ecology Seminar, Ecole Normale, Paris
2022 - Population dynamics: from rare events to evolution, Grenoble Workshop
2022 - Data driven Modelling in Quantitative Biology, Imperial Workshop (Talk)
2022 - City, University of London
2021 - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology [remote]
2020 - North West Seminar of Mathematical Biology, UK [remote]
2020 - ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research [remote]
2020 - Evolutionary Biology Seminar, University of Helsinki [postponed]
2018 - MathSys Seminar Series, University of Warwick
2018 - Mathematical Biology Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh
2018 - IBAHCM Seminar Series, University of Glasgow
2018 - Sheffield Mathematical Biology Seminar Series, University of Sheffield
2018 - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
2017 - Milner Centre for Evolution, University of Bath
2016 - Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University
2016 - Gore Lab, MIT
Other Presentations
2018 - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
2017 - CMB Seminar series, University of Bath
2017 - JGM Seminar series, ETH Zürich
2016 - SEBES Seminar series, University of Zürich
2015 - Complexity seminar, University of Manchester
2014 - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Lab tea. Princeton University
Other Conferences and meetings
2019 - Interdisciplinary Challenges in Non-Equilibrium Physics (Co-organiser)
2018 - Evolution in the 21st Century: The Inaugural Conference of the Milner Centre for Evolution
2017 - Biology 17
2016 - Finnish Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions Meeting
2015 - Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution
2013 - Lluis Santaló school: scientific challenges in a sustainable planet
2013 - Uncertainty in interaction networks
2013 - Complex and Emergent Behaviours (Co-organiser)
2012 - Gefenol summer school II on Statistical Physics of Complex and Small Systems
Press and Outreach
2024 - Mathematical Model Explains Why Male Mammals Do Not Breastfeed Their Young - IFLScience
2024 - New mathematical model sheds light on the absence of breastfeeding in male mammals -
2021 - Fluctuations Reveal Hidden Structures In Ecosystems - Nature Community
2018 - Why Nature Prefers Couples, Even for Yeast - Scientific American
2018 - Sex begets sexes - Nature News and Views
2018 - Why do most species have so few mating types, yet some have so many? - Nature Community
2016 - Debunking the Selfish Myth, Positive News
2016 - Forget cut-throat competition: to survive, try a little selflessness, The Guardian
2016 - Altruism has more of an evolutionary advantage than selfishness, mathematicians say, The Independent
2016 - Chance Events Make Altruism Inevitable, IFLScience
Nature Ecology and Evolution, PNAS, Theoretical Ecology, Evolution, eLife, Journal of Theoretical Biology, PCI Evolutionary Biology, Heredity, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Physical Review E, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Royal Society Open Science, Genome Biology and Evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical